Bromeliad Guzmania 6"

Bromeliad Guzmania 6"

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Nothing beats the ease of bromeliad guzmania houseplant care. Growing guzmania bromeliads is simple and their unique growth habit and flower bracts will add interest to the home year round. Let’s learn more about the care of guzmanias.

Guzmania plants are perennial plants in the bromeliad family. There are over 120 different guzmania plants and all of them are native to South America. These tropical beauties are known as epiphytic plants and attach to trees with roots that never reach the soil.

Striking bracts grow from the center of the plant and can be red, yellow, orange, or deep purple depending on the species. Leaves are thin and dark green. They cause no injury to their host plant, but instead just use them for support.

To pot a guzmania, put some small decorative stones or pieces of pottery in the bottom of a ceramic or terra cotta pot. The pot should be heavy, as the guzmania tends to be top heavy. Place a potting medium that is specifically designed for orchids on top of the stones and plant your guzmania in the pot.

Guzmania houseplant care is easy, which adds to this plant’s popularity. Guzmanias require low light and should be kept out of direct sunlight. Place distilled or filtered water in the central cup of the plant and replace frequently to keep it from rotting. Keep the potting mix moist during the spring and the summer months. Guzmanias thrive in temperatures of at least 55 F. (13 C.) or higher. Because these are tropical plants, they benefit from high humidity. A light mist daily will keep your guzmania looking its best. Add a balanced fertilizer every two weeks during the spring and summer and a slow release fertilizer at the end of the summer.